понедельник, 24 февраля 2020 г.


Every time I hear this song, no matter where I am , I drop all of my shit and diddy bop. Over the last few years, disco and boogie loving funkateer Shaka Loves You has proved to be one of the most reliable artists on Bomb Strikes. With explanations like this there's no prizes for guessing what it sounds like fuss-free Latin tinged party fare , but they still throw in some surprises including the dubstep-influenced "Like A Bossa" and the hip-hop of "Blame It On Rio". Naturally, club-ready material comes thick and fast, with a multitude of genres - think swamp funk, disco, dub disco, electrofunk, Italo-disco, hip-hop, reggae and dancehall - and wide variety of tempos represented. JAL 13 Sep beans and fatback use me free mp3

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Perfect examples of this approach include "Finti Cents" where In Da Club gets taken back into time to a shimmying Motown backing groove or the 90s-hip-hop-goes-retro-big-beat vibes of "Jurassic Jive".

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Bucky - Boy Racer. Next, we move slightly more funky as the catchy vocal lines of 'Ye Mele' and the classic disco drum work of 'Comanche' wade into view.

Fire And Brimstone ———- Purchase: Pancake - Ain t Missing Work Dub. Completing the EP is 'Passage For', an exercise in squelchy like bass and euphoric disco strings. I automatically know your food will be bland and your green beans will taste like a can.

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KRK 20 Sep EVM feat Renato Paris. WACK 15 01 Dec Pancake - Just Miss Your Smile. Ratback invited you back to his Ibiza villa for a post-club crack on, this edition of the long-running "Back To Mine" series has all the answers.

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Every Trick In The Book. ALND 04 26 Mar It may have beeans a few months, but Whiskey Disco's latest split EP - a fine affair featuring two reworks apiece from Ponchartrain and Sheffield-based East Midlander Thatmanmonkz - has finally made it to digital download. You may cancel your order at any time prior to your order being m;3 by emailing us at orders acerecords.

While his DJ mix is naturally superb, it's the quality of the 23 unmixed, full-length beand included in the package that makes the compilation a must-check. I consider Hummus and homemade plain yogurt as fridge staples. Much modern funk may be simple pastiche but THIS, as a great man once said, is fresh! Now the phone is showing an entirely empty library. Best Of album or specific songs. Terje Lie - Pancakes.

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But with an open case for sexual assault lingering he's currently locked up on unrelated chargesHeart Break Kodak feels like a witless. Pancake - No Touch Of Illusions.


Admittedly, opener 'Dub Mex' is a Latin-tinged reggae number that may make you doubt that, but play on and you'll discover 'Don't Save' an organ-led jam redolent of 70s Afro-funk'International Funk' a more straight-up funk affair'Dub Street' which has a Blaxploitation soundtrack feel and finally 'On The Night', a laidback, meandering cut that blends fatbzck of the above elements over the course of three gloriously horn-y minutes. Soledad - Various mp3 track.

DDD 01 Dec Returned items should be sent to: Oonops Drops Vol 2. Lardo cured meat Fatback Fat Meat. HG 11 24 Oct Flevans feat Sarah Scott. One thing is for sure the guitar on Flying Saucers Rock and Roll is still amazing. This EP from the Dirty Dubsters camp executes a single idea incredibly well: The dark, rumbling 'Galaxy Groove', for instance, fuses deep house and jazz-funk, while 'Alien Love' brings the Latin-tinged Balearica and the lively 'In The Fire' would work on soulful house and funk floors alike.

For proof, check the celebratory, slap-bass propelled disco-funk of Doug Payne and Polygon's "Holiday", the heady, high-octane hse thrills of Expose's "I Just Wanna Dance With You", the low-slung early funk-rap headiness of Jungle Band's "Jungleland Part 2 " and the wickedly percussive salsa-disco heaviness of Suave's "Salsa Gon Gitcha".

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